Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Deploying ADF application in cluster environment, HTTP proxy plugin config and Load Balancing.

There is clean and step-by-step Weblogic installation and ADF Runtime installation is explained by oracle document  which you can find here.  (ADF Deployment guide.)
In the oracle deployment guide, Cluster configuration is not explained which I given in this post. Below are the points covered in this post.
  1. Cluster configuration
  2. Sample ADF application enabled with the cluster configurations.
  3. Sample ADF application deploying in cluster
  4. Proxy plugin to access deployed Application
  5. Demo to show the Failover on servers
   Prerequisites for the environment setup
Note:  I have used Weblogic  10.3.6 and ADF libraries

Cluster configuration

a.      Start the weblogic admin server and login to console.
         Envinronment --> Cluser --> Add New Cluster
         I have created a Cluster Named ADFCluster
b.      Do the setting for the cluster

Select the Default Load algorithm as round-robin , also you have different algorithm options to choose based on your requirement.

Expand the advanced section, and select the Weblogic Plug-In Enabled checkbox. Refer below screenshot.

c.      Then go to Messaging tab, and set the Messaging mode as Multicast and Multicast port.

d.      Then go to Servers tab, and Add the Managed server to the Cluster

e.      Verify in the summary of servers that all the servers are associated to respective Machines and
         associated to respective Cluster. Refer below screen in my case

f.       All the deployed adf libraries should be targeted to the Cluster / managed servers. If not do it
         manually for all the libraries. Otherwise application deployed in this cluster/managed servers
         will not work.

I have shown in below screenshot for one library for reference.

Note : If you have any Datasource, that also should point/targeted to the cluster/managed servers

Now Cluster configuration is done.  Our next step is to deploy the sample ADF application in the cluster.

Sample Application with Cluster configurations.
     Refer my previous post for cluster configuration for High availability ADF applications
  1.  I have created a sample ADF application which has only ViewController project and configured the cluster configuration as given my previous post. Have a look at the below project structure.

Deploying the sample application in cluster.

  • Before starting deployment, start the Admin server and start the All the managed servers in the Cluster

Sometime your managed servers may not start properly. In that case, do the following

a.       Start the startWeblogic.cmd with Right click  and “Run as Administrator”
b.      Also you can try changing the StartScriptEnabled=true in nodemanager.properties which you can locate in wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager
  • Go to Jdeveloper, and and start deploying the application
Configure your standalone weblogic server to your Jdeveloper

  1. Give Connection name and click Next
  2. Provide weblogic user name and password, then click Next
  3. In Configuration, give proper port,hostname and domain name of you stand alone weblogic server

      4. Then Next, and Test Connection and finish.
Make sure all the servers in the cluster are RUNNING mode, otherwise cluster will show as SHUTDOWN in deployment wizard.

   5. Select ADFCluster and click Finish.

Verify in the Deployment tab in JDeveloepr that your application is deployed successfully.

You application will be deployed to all the Managed servers one by one, so wait for it until it deploys completely. You can also generate the ear of your application deploy through Weblogic console.

Since we deployed our application in Cluster, we have to access the application via HTTP proxy plugin which is called as Load Balancer. I have explained the same in my another post here.

Continued in next post, click here..

Please leave comments below if any issues. Thanks :)

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