Monday, September 16, 2013

Exporting ADF pivot table to excel

This post gives you the easy and simplest way to export the pivot table data to excel file. For  normal af:table there is exportListener used to export the table data to excel. But for dvt:pivotTable there is dvt:exportPivotTableData is available. (sample project attached below)

dvt:exportPivotTableData gives the two options like to export the whole data also to export the selected data

<dvt:exportPivotTableData exportedId="pivotTable1" type="excelHTML"
                              exportedData="all" filename="all.xls"
                              title="All pivotTable data"/>


exportedData="all"    -       to export the all the data from the pivot table.

exportedData="selected" - to export selected data from the pivot table.

exportedId - refers to the pivot talbe component Id.

I have created a pivot table with a format shows the Department vs Job Id with the related counts of employees in department and sum salary of them,

In the jspx, I added the  export listener to the command button, one to export all, and another to export selected data.

           <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl0" >
              <af:commandButton text="Export All" id="exportAll">
                        <dvt:exportPivotTableData exportedId="pivotTable1" type="excelHTML"
                                                  exportedData="all" filename="all.xls"
                                                  title="All pivotTable data"/>
              <af:commandButton text="Export Selected" id="exportSelected">
                <dvt:exportPivotTableData exportedId="pivotTable1" type="excelHTML"
                                          exportedData="selected" filename="selected.xls"
                                          title="Selected pivotTable data"/>
              <dvt:pivotTable id="pivotTable1" summary="" inlineStyle="width:600px;"

On click of Export all button,


On click of Export selected button,

Download sample code here (Run the PivotTable.jspx , uses Oracle XE - HR schema).